Service Activites


White cane day participation

By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2024-10-31
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage

Particioated District white cane day. President lion Anoma Secretary liob Sunudu


By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2024-10-31
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage

Conducting Awarebes prigram on food and nutrition for lions


By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2024-10-31
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage


Conducting Diabetic Screening Camp

By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2024-10-31
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage

Conducting Diabetic screening camp for 100 paticipant

Vision care program

By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2024-10-31
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage

Held and eye checkup camp and donating 159 reading glases


By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2024-11-02
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage

Donating Art equipment pallet, paont brushes, paint and gift to the children who participated for the Drawing program whichthey held every Thursdays CCC housr in Apeksha hospital

Contributions to District Diabetes Day

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA METRO on 2024-11-10
Project Chairman : Hasini M Wijesinghe

Contributions 5000/- to District Diabetes Day

Children cancer Awareness

By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2024-11-02
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage

Held Therapeutic Art work shop for the children who suffering cancer at Apeksha Hospital

Contribution to district diabetes day

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA on 2024-11-10
Project Chairman : R. A. Sarath Preethi Kumara Perera

contributions to 5000/-

Providing books and pencil erasers to 600 children.

By lions Club of MILLANIYA GOLDEN JUBILEE on 2024-10-03
Project Chairman : Manathunga Mudiyanselage Jayanth Premajeewa

In the program for 600 pre-school children organized by the Child Development Division of Tavalama Divisional Secretariat in conjunction with the World Children's Day celebration, providing school books and pencil erasers to those children.

Providing breakfast for Pre- School

By lions Club of MILLANIYA GOLDEN JUBILEE on 2024-10-03
Project Chairman : Manathunga Mudiyanselage Jayanth Premajeewa

In conjunction with the celebration of the World Children's Day, providing a breakfast for 600 children who participated in the Children's Day program organized by the Early Childhood Development Division of the Secretariat Office Tavalama,Galle .

Providing breakfast for Pre- School

By lions Club of MILLANIYA GOLDEN JUBILEE on 2024-10-01
Project Chairman : A. Edirimanna

Providing breakfast to 50 children of Galapata Vihara Preschool in celebration of World Children's Day.The values ​​marked in yellow are the costs incurred for this project

Donation - School stationary & Books

By lions Club of KAMBURUPITIYA on 2024-10-30
Project Chairman : Sujeewa Indika Pandipperuma

Our Lion club member Sujeewa pandipperuma Donated school book & stationaries for students of Sugathpalagodawatta school @ Kahagala. Participated Club president, Zonal chairperson & District GST coordinator. Rs.2500 worth of 50 packs were donated to the primary school student.

පළාත් මට්ටමෙන් දක්ෂ ක්‍රීඩකයින් සදහා අනුග්‍රහය දැක්වීම

By lions Club of BUTTALA METRO on 2024-11-03
Project Chairman : Konara Mudiyanselage Punyalatha

යුදගනාව විදුහලේ නෙට්බෝල් කණ්ඩායම සදහා රුපියල් 5000 ක මුදලක් ලබාදීම


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2024-10-11
Project Chairman : Dandeniya Arachchige Piyathilake

Lion Piyathilaka Dandeniya donated fruit plants to Lions Club of Mahawila Alubomulla of their blood donation day, to be distributed among the staff of MOH Office. Their thanking card published in the WhatsApp group is attached herewith.


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2024-09-30
Project Chairman : Dandeniya Arachchige Piyathilake

Lion Piyathilaka Dandeniya donated 60 Jak plants to Lions Club of Godigamuwa Centennial for the project of "Manasuwa Mehewara" organized by Lions Club of Godigamuwa Centennial .


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2024-11-10
Project Chairman : Balage Sarath Premasiri Perera

Lion Sarath Premasiri Perera participated for the Diabetic Walk organized by District 306A2.

Provision of morning snacks and herbal conjee to OPD patients at General Hospital Horana.

By lions Club of HORANA on 2024-11-08
Project Chairman : Indika Padmakumara

Provided morning snacks and herbal conjee to OPD patients at General Hospital Horana on 08.11.2024 Provided "Kurakkan Kenda" With CreamCacker Buscuits. Project chairperson lion Indika Padmakumara. Participation-lions 03 L/L2 others 04 Total =09 Volunteer hours-12(including non Lions) Lion hours-6(excluding non Lions)

Blood Donation Camp Report – World Elders Day, October 1st

By lions Club of MATARA ELEGANCE on 2024-10-01
Project Chairman : Chanaka Jithmal Solaman

Our Lions Club organized its first-ever Blood Donation Camp in honor of World Elders Day to support those in need of blood and honor elderly community members. We are proud to report 104 registrants, with 88 successful donors, achieving an 85% donation rate. Special thanks to Nileka Jewellery, whose generous sponsorship ensured the event was financially accessible. The camp ran smoothly due to the dedication of our volunteers and local medical staff. From our own club, 11 members participated, with 2 of them donating blood on the day. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all donors, volunteers, and Nileka Jewellery for making this event a success. Your collective efforts are greatly appreciated, and we look forward to organizing more impactful service activities in the future

Distribution of twenty bags of dry food for the poor people(worth Rs.2000/=)

By lions Club of AKMEEMANA on 2024-11-03
Project Chairman : Gunathilaka Siriwardana Ananda

Distribution of twenty bags of dry food for the poor people(worth Rs.2000/=)