Service Activites


රුධිර සීනි පරීක්ෂාව

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-08-17
Project Chairman : H. M. Chamila Dissnayake Rajapakshe

2024 අගෝස්තු මස 14 දින බහුසේවා ව්‍යාපෘතියක් අප සිංහ සමාජයේ සාමාජිකා සිංහ චමිලා රාජපක්ෂගේ සභාපතිත්වයෙන් හොර තුඩුව ප්‍රජාතාලාවේදී සංවිධානය කරන ලදී 78 දෙනෙකුගේ රුධිර සීනි පරීක්ෂාව කරන ලදී

ඇස් කන්නාඩි ලබාදීම

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-08-17
Project Chairman : H. M. Chamila Dissnayake Rajapakshe

2024 අගෝස්තු මස 14 දින බහුසේවා ව්‍යාපෘතියක් අප සිංහ සමාජයේ සාමාජිකා සිංහ චමිලා රාජපක්ෂගේ සභාපතිත්වයෙන් හොර තුඩුව ප්‍රජාතාලාවේදී සංවිධානය කරන ලදී 116 ඇස් කන්නාඩි ලබාදීම

අක්ෂි පරීක්ෂාව

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-08-17
Project Chairman : H. M. Chamila Dissnayake Rajapakshe

2024 අගෝස්තු මස 14 දින බහුසේවා ව්‍යාපෘතියක් අප සිංහ සමාජයේ සාමාජිකා සිංහ චමිලා රාජපක්ෂගේ සභාපතිත්වයෙන් හොර තුඩුව ප්‍රජාතාලාවේදී සංවිධානය කරන ලදී


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2024-10-31
Project Chairman : Chandima Aluthge

Lion Chandima Aluthge donated Rs.75,000/- for 100 Nos White Canes for 100 blind persons. District 306A2 has organized a Lions Walk on the Commemoration of White Canes Day held on 31.10.2024. සභාපති සහ ලේකම් විසින් මෙම ගනුදෙනුව සනාථ කරන ලද ලිපිය මෙහි ඇති Attachment එකට upload කර ඇත. කරුණාකර එය open කර බලන්න.


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2024-10-16
Project Chairman : Chandima Aluthge

Even a single computer was not available in this school. Lion Chandima Aluthge donated a new computer with all accessories to Panamura College as per the request of Pricipal.

ආරක්ෂාව සහ මාර්ග නීති පිළිබඳ දේශනය

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-08-25
Project Chairman : Adikarige Don Janaka Pushpakumara

දහම් පාසල් ළමුන් සඳහා ආරක්ෂාව සහ මාර්ග නීති පිළිබඳ දේශනය සිංහ ජයරත්නයා පා විසින් පැවැත්වීම

නායකත්වය සහ පෞර්ෂ වර්ධනය පිළිබඳ දේශනය

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-08-25
Project Chairman : Adikarige Don Janaka Pushpakumara

දහම් පාසල්ළ මුන් සහ නායකත්වය සහ පෞර්ෂ වර්ධනය පිළිබඳ දේශනය සිංහ ජයරත්නයා පා විසින් පැවැත්වීම

දහම් පාසලේ ළමුන් සඳහා නිල ඇඳුම් ලබාදීම

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-08-25
Project Chairman : Adikarige Don Janaka Pushpakumara

මතුගම සිරිකඳුර ලියන් කන්ද ඉසිපතනාරාම විහාරස්ථාන දහම් පාසලේ ළමුන් 70 සඳහා නිල ඇඳුම් ලබාදීම

මතුගම සිරිකඳුර ලියන් කන්ද ඉසිපතනාරාම විහාරස්ථානයේ ආවාස ගොඩනැගිල්ල සඳහා අනුග්‍රහකත්වය දැක්වීම

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-08-25
Project Chairman : Waraniya Godage Nihal Kumara

මතුගම සිරිකඳුර ලියන් කන්ද ඉසිපතනාරාම විහාරස්ථානයේ ආවාස ගොඩනැගිල්ලේ මුළු වහලයම සෑදීම සඳහා අනුග්‍රහකත්වය සිංහ සමාජයේ සභාපති සිංහ නිහාල් කුමාර විසින් දක්වන ලදී.

Hunger - Dry ration donation for a needy family (5 members in family)

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-10-19
Project Chairman : Dr. Damayanthi Hikkaduwa

Project coordinator PDG Lion Dr Athula Hikkaduwa and Lion Dr Damayanthi donated dry rations to cover full month of need to this family who are very vulnerable. The young girl is a grade 3 student and both her parents are from the hearing impaired community. The hearing impaired parents got a daughter in Grade 5 and the son has completed O/L. The Grand mom also stay with them. Nine Lions participated the event.

Providing breakfast for adults

By lions Club of MILLANIYA GOLDEN JUBILEE on 2024-10-01
Project Chairman : A. Edirimanna

Providing breakfast to 25 low-income adults in Galpata area to commemoration World Elderly Day.

Making a financial donation towards the electricity bill

By lions Club of MILLANIYA GOLDEN JUBILEE on 2024-10-01
Project Chairman : Manathunga Mudiyanselage Jayanth Premajeewa

Donation of Rs.2000/= towards electricity bill of Sukhita Orphanage on the occasion of World Children's Day.

Providing dry food and personal protective equipment to Sukhita Orphanage.

By lions Club of MILLANIYA GOLDEN JUBILEE on 2024-10-01
Project Chairman : Manathunga Mudiyanselage Jayanth Premajeewa

Providing dry food items and personal protective equipment to Sukhita Orphanage on the occasion of World Children's Day celebration.

Donation - School essentials to a grade 5 student

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-10-18
Project Chairman : PDG Dr. Athula Hikkaduwa

PDG Lion Dr Athula and Lion Dr Damayanthi donated school books, school bag, uniforms and shoes to a student of Grade 5. Both her parents are from the hearing impaired community and she got a brother schooling too. She was very happy to receive the books

Hunger - Blind community home, Kapuhempala

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-10-15
Project Chairman : Yasalal Vijithakumara Kandamby

Lions Club of Galupura Central deliver this project as a signature project to commemorate the white cane day at the Blind community home in Kapuhempola, Galle. The project coordinator is Lion Vijitha Kandambi and Lion Indira Kumari Kandambi. We served dinner for 20 (12 Male and 8 Female) blind people who are housed at the centre. They were offered a balance meal, sweets and gifts (sarongs for male, Gift packs for female, bath soap, washing soap, tooth paste and tooth brushes) . They were so happy to receive this treat.

White cane day -

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-10-15
Project Chairman : Yasalal Vijithakumara Kandamby

Lions Club of Galupura Central deliver this project as a signature project to commemorate the white cane day at the Blind community home in Kapuhempola, Galle. The project coordinator is Lion Vijitha Kandambi and Lion Indira Kumari Kandambi. We served dinner for 20 (12 Male and 8 Female) blind people who are housed at the centre. They were offered a balance meal, sweets and gifts (sarongs for male, Gift packs for female, bath soap, washing soap, tooth paste and tooth brushes) . They were so happy to receive this treat. Lion Dr Damayanthi gifted the 12 sarongs.

Nominating 10 students - Multiple club Book Donation

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-10-12
Project Chairman : Thanuja Senevirathna

Lion Jagath Weerasinghe conducted a multiple club project of distributing school books to students. Each club was requested to register 10 students and Galupura centra submitted 10 students of different age categories. All students received a pack worth of Rs 4000 (Gr 1 to 7)to Rs 5000 (Gr 8 to A/L) as per their class of education. Project was coordinated by the Club Secretary - Lion Thanuja. PDG Lion Dr Athula, Lion Dr Damayanthi, Lion Ruwan Chandana, Lion Dimuthu and Lion Chandrika attended the event

Donation of stationary and ice cream- Children's day

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-10-12
Project Chairman : Palitha Nimal Jayaratne

Lions club of Galupura Central working with Finland Foster parents for the past two decades and have helped very needy students to complete their primary, secondary and tertiary education. Many kids are with single parents or no parents and they need support from many arears to develop personality. We were so proud of our past foster child Hansani Erandi who is independent now and working showed gratitude to the foster programe by giving gifts and ice cream to the 32 foster kids who came to receive funds. She gave 32 packs of coloured pens and ice cream to commemorate the World Children’s day. Project coordinator Lion Palitha Jayarathna

Necessity - Youth empowerment

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-10-12
Project Chairman : Chandrani Ponnamperuma

Project coordinator Lion Chandrani Ponnamperuma conducted a card making workshop to train the Finland foster students as a preparation to save money / to develop a small income project by making cards for the up coming festive season. All 32 students of the foster programme took part in the projects and made their Christmas cards for their Finland foster parents.

Hithawathkama - Lunch at the Children's day project

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-10-04
Project Chairman : Chandrika Malwenna

We provided Lunch (Fried rice, egg and salad) for 25 preschool students and 70 primary school students. They were treated with an ice cream after the meal and chocolates and other sweets.