Service Activites


donation for diabetic walk

By lions Club of BOKUNDARA JALIYAGODA on 2024-10-10
Project Chairman : Hewa Fonsekage Nishantha Chaminda Fonseka

Donation for family get

By lions Club of BOKUNDARA JALIYAGODA on 2024-09-29
Project Chairman : C. Sandaruwan Hewage MJF

Scholarship for 5 Daham pasal Students

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-10-01
Project Chairman : Asanka Bandara Malwenna

ලෝක ළමා දිනයට සමගාමීව දහම් පාසල් දරුවන් පස්දෙනෙක් සඳහා එක් දරුවෙකුට රුපියල් 5000 බැගින් ශිෂ්‍යත්ව පහක් සිංහ සමාජයේ සභාපති සිංහ නිහාල් කුමාර විසින් ලබාදෙනන ලදී.


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2024-10-31
Project Chairman : Dandeniya Arachchige Piyathilake

Lion Piyathilaka Dandeniya participated for the Commemoration of White Canes Day.

Eye Screening

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-10-26
Project Chairman : Anura Goonathilake

oint project with kurunegala lions club At warawewa rajanganaya Anuradapura On 26/10/24

Participation in District Diabetes Day

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-11-10
Project Chairman : Waraniya Godage Nihal Kumara

LION Nihal,Lion JANKA Lion Sunanda

Cleenup Sri Lanka වැඩසටහට සමගාමීව කැස්බෑව වැව සහ අවට සුද්ද කිරීම

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-09-28
Project Chairman : Kanishka Rajapakse

දිස්ත්‍රික්කය පවත්වන ලද Cleenup Sri Lanka වැඩසටහට සමගාමීව මිරිස්වත්ත පිළියන්දල සිංහ සමාජයේ මගින් සංවිධානය කෙරෙන වැඩසටහනේදී කැස්බෑව වැව අසල සිටුවන ලද දැන්වීම් පුවරුව

දියවෙඩියාව හඳුනා ගැනීමේ කඳවුර

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-10-12
Project Chairman : Waraniya Godage Nihal Kumara

Colombo Donz සිංහ සමාජයේ සමග එක්ව දියවෙඩියාව හඳුනා ගැනීමේ කඳවුරක් කඩුවෙල වෛද්‍ය නිලධාරී කාර්යාලයේදී පැවැත්විය.

ලියෝ සමාජය සඳහා 10,000.00 මුල්‍ය පරිත්‍යාගයක් සහ මිටිය සහ සීනුව ලබාදීම

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-11-02
Project Chairman : Waraniya Godage Nihal Kumara

රත්තනපිටිය ලියෝ සමාජයේ සඳහා සභාපති සිංහ නිහාල් කුමාර විසින් 10,000.00 මුල්‍ය පරිත්‍යාගයක් සහ සිංහ සුනෙත් වීරකෝන් විසින් මිටිය සහ සීනුව ( සඳහා අනුග්‍රහය දක්වන ලදී

Environmental Photography Competition

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-08-27
Project Chairman : Kudage Don Daupadra Sameera Sirisena

Submitted 5 photos of LION SAMEERA SIRISENA for the lion's club's environmental photography competition 2024/2025

රෝග විනිශ්චය කිරීම මෙන්ම ඖෂධ ලබාදීම

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-08-17
Project Chairman : H. M. Chamila Dissnayake Rajapakshe

ප්‍රදේශවාසීන් වෙනුවෙන් සෞඛ්‍ය කඳවුරක් පැවැත්වීම සහ වෛද්‍යවරුන් රෝග විනිශ්චය කිරීම මෙන්ම ඖෂධ ලබාදීම ආසන්න වශයෙන් ප්‍රදේශවාසීන් 65 දෙනෙකු පමණ මෙම සේවාව ලබා ගෙන ඇත .එමෙන්ම රෝග පරීක්ෂා කිරීමෙන් අනතුරුව ඔවුන් හට ඖෂධ ලබාදීම සිදු කළේය

Gee Muthu mal - Children's Song Interpretation Workshop

By lions Club of GALLE LEGENDS on 2024-11-06
Project Chairman : Anosha Niranjala Jayawardena

On November 6th, the Lions Club organized a Children’s Song Appreciation Workshop at Galle Jayawardhana Vidyalaya. Held from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, the event attracted a total of 630 participants, including both children and teachers, who engaged in a range of activities focused on interpreting and appreciating traditional children’s songs.The workshop was facilitated by 8 Lions members who dedicated their time to sharing the joy of cultural music with young minds, fostering creativity and cultural awareness. The total project value was 107,250 LKR, covering resources and materials for an enriching experience.

Roo Wanitha Rupalawanya Wadamuluwa - Women Empowerment Program

By lions Club of GALLE LEGENDS on 2024-11-02
Project Chairman : Methsiri Alexander De Silva

The Lions Club of Galle Legends successfully hosted a Women Empowerment Program on November 2nd and 3rd, 2024, designed to uplift and support local women through skill development and empowerment initiatives. The program ran from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day across two venues: Galle Texas College and Sessip Institute in Hirimbura. A total of 24 Lions members actively participated, offering guidance, resources, and mentorship. On the first day, 18 beneficiaries attended, and on the second day, the number increased to 24. Through various workshops and interactive sessions, the program aimed to empower women with essential skills, confidence, and the motivation to pursue economic independence and personal growth.


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2024-10-18
Project Chairman : Chandima Aluthge

Lion Chandima Aluthge has made a donation of Rs.100,000/- to Sinhaloka Hospital constructing in Horana area by Lions District 306A2. This hospital is expected to treat diabetic, kidney and poor vision patients.


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2024-10-23
Project Chairman : Chandima Aluthge

Lion Chandima Aluthge and Lion Manjula Silva provided School bags, school books, shoes, educational materials, readymade garments etc for two children whose father was lost suddenly in Mihinthale area. එම භාණ්ඩ මිළදී ගැනීම සඳහා වියදම් කර ඇති ආකාරය සභාපති සහ ලේකම් විසින්සනාථ කරන ලද ලිපිය මෙහි ඇති Attachment එකට upload කර ඇත. කරුණාකර එය open කර බලන්න.

Anagathayata Aadaren

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-11-08
Project Chairman : Wanniarachchige Don Gamini Shantha

We donated 10 classroom separators to the school today

Anagathayata Aadaren

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-11-08
Project Chairman : Wanniarachchige Don Gamini Shantha

We provided school stationery Item for 111 students in Bakmeewewa Kanishta Vidyalaya, Ambanpola today

Anagathayata Aadaren

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-11-08
Project Chairman : Wanniarachchige Don Gamini Shantha

We built a open area class room at Bakmeewewa Kanishta Vidyalaya, Ambanpola and handed-over it to the school officially today. We spent for building materials and labor work done by parents and Leos of Sri Jayawardanapura Leo Club.

Anagathayata Aadaren

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-11-08
Project Chairman : Wanniarachchige Don Gamini Shantha

We built a dancing room at Bakmeewewa Kanishta Vidyalaya, Ambanpola and handed-over it to the school officially today. We spent for the material and labor work done by parents and Leos of Sri Jayawardanapura Leo Club.


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2024-10-31
Project Chairman : Dandeniya Arachchige Piyathilake

Distribution of plants to blind persons was organized on the Commemoration of White Canes Day. Lion Dandeniya donated 100 fruit plants for this event.