Service Activites


Donating a house for a poor family

By lions Club of MILLANIYA GOLDEN JUBILEE on 2024-10-22
Project Chairman : Manathunga Mudiyanselage Jayanth Premajeewa

With the financial contribution of the members of Our Lions Club, under the initiative of Our Club President Lion Dr. Manatunga, a house was built and donated for a poor family living in Mawatgama, Cannantudawa area.Our District Governer Lion Prasad Gamage participated as the chief guest of this event. Other lion leaders also participated.

Beauticultre Programme

By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-10-24
Project Chairman : U. Kamanthi Ganga Roshini

The Launching ceremony of Ru Wanitha Project was held at Kesbewa Divisional Secretariat on 24th October 2024.

Participation in District White Canes Day -Lion U Kamanthi Ganga Roshini

By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-10-31
Project Chairman : Pradeep Milroy Jayasingha

Lion U Kamanthi Ganga Roshini Participated at the District white cane day programme.

Participation in District White Canes Day -Lion Pradeep Milroy Jayasinghe

By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-10-31
Project Chairman : Pradeep Milroy Jayasingha

Lion Pradeep Milroy Jayasinghe Participated at the District white cane day programme.

Donation of Clutches

By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-10-16
Project Chairman : Yatawarage Lalith Priyantha

Pair of Clutches donated to a needy person. Lion Lalith Priyantha and Lion Pradeep Amaratunga participated in the event.

Diabetic walk

By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2024-11-10
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage

Participated Diabetic walk Members Immediate past president Lion Dewduni president lion Anoma Anoma Lion Ranga Lion Ranjan Lion Krishanthi

Donation / Assistance to Elders Homes

By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-10-05
Project Chairman : Sisil Kumara Kahatapitiya

Held a Western Medical Camp for elders at the Horana Elders home. Lion Dr. Dinesh Samarawickrama gave his volunteer service at the event. Lion Sisil Kahatapitiya and Lion Monica Tilakarathna participated at the event.


By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-10-28
Project Chairman : U. Kamanthi Ganga Roshini

Monthly Scholarship worth of Rs. 2000/- Student studying in WP/Ho/ Pinnawala Rajapola M.V.

Contribution to Commemoration of District Teachers Day

By lions Club of MILLANIYA GOLDEN JUBILEE on 2024-10-05
Project Chairman : Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Nihal Premjayantha Disanayaka

This Lionistic Year, the district Commemoration of tachers Day was held with the full organizational strength of the Millaniya Golden Jubilee Lions Club. A group of lion leaders including our district governer participated in that.

සුභසාධක මිතුරු හවුල සමිතිය සඳහා මඩු ආවරණයක් සෑදීම සඳහා මුදල් ආධාර

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-11-14
Project Chairman : Waraniya Godage Nihal Kumara

සුභසාධක මිතුරු හවුල සමිතිය සඳහා ප්‍රදේශවාසීන්ගේ අවමගුල්වලට සහ වෙනත් උත්සවවලට ලබාදීමට මඩු ආවරණයක් සෑදීම සඳහා 150,000.00මුදල් ආධාර ලබා දෙනලදී. මේ සඳහා සභාපති සිංහ නිහාල් සමඟ සිංහ සුනන්ද සහභාගි විය


By lions Club of BOKUNDARA JALIYAGODA on 2024-10-23
Project Chairman : C. Sandaruwan Hewage MJF


Donation for family get

By lions Club of BOKUNDARA JALIYAGODA on 2024-09-29
Project Chairman : Chandana Ahangama Withanage

Donation for family get 5000/=

Dahampasal lamunta Udasana Saukeda labadima

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA on 2024-10-27
Project Chairman : Hewa Ambepitiyage Wijetunga Dinesha Chamani

2024.10.27 වන දින බෙල්ලන්විල ශ්‍රී බෝධිරාජ දහම් පාසලේ සියලුම දරු දැරියන් සහ ගුරුවරු/ ගුරුවරියන් 1,200 දෙනෙකු උදෙසා සව් කැඳ ආහාරමය පානය ලබා දෙන ලදී.

Loka wedihiti dinaya samarima

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA on 2024-10-20
Project Chairman : Hewa Ambepitiyage Wijetunga Dinesha Chamani

2024.10.01ලෝක ළමා දින සහ වැඩිහිටි දිනයට අනුගාමිකව 2024.10.20 වන දින බෙල්ලන්විල වැඩිහිටි කැදැල්ලේ සාමාජික / සාමාජිකාවන් 88 දෙනෙකු සඳහා වෛද්‍ය අමිල විජේරත්න මහතා විසින් පවත්වනු ලබන ලෙඩ රෝග වලින් අත්මිදී නිවන් දකින මඟ යන දේශනය සහ සංගීත චිකිත්සාව (තෙරපි) පිළිබඳ වැඩසටහනක් පෙරවරු 9.00 ට පවත්වන ලදී.

Providing food for school children - Thawalama

By lions Club of MILLANIYA GOLDEN JUBILEE on 2024-10-03
Project Chairman : Manathunga Mudiyanselage Jayanth Premajeewa

Providing a morning snack to children who were doing a car washing project at Thavalama Vidya Raja national School

Donation of a white Canes

By lions Club of MILLANIYA GOLDEN JUBILEE on 2024-10-03
Project Chairman : P. G. Kumudu Nidhani MJF

Donation of a 2 white cane to Mr. Somadasa Chandraskara and Wasantha Gunasekara, both residents of Tavalama area. The white cane was received by Mr. Saman, a resident of the same area, on behalf of Mr. Somadasa Chandraskara and Wasanta.

Conducting a multi service medical camp at Unilever Sri Lanka factory employees at BOI ZONE Horana.

By lions Club of HORANA on 2024-10-22
Project Chairman : Indika Padmakumara

Conducted a multi service medical camp at Unilever Sri Lanka factory premises for their employees. Following medical activities completed in the event. 1)Diabetics and NCD screening camp. 2)Diabetics and NCD Awareness programme. 3)Western medical camp. Participation-lions 15 lion ladies 6 others 12 Total =33 Volunteer hours-99(including non Lions) Lion hours-45(excluding non Lions) District Governor and FVDG also participated to the project. Beneficiaries =120 120 employees of Unilever Sri Lanka benefited from the project.

Clean Up Srilanka

By lions Club of KAMBURUPITIYA on 2024-09-28
Project Chairman : Sadara Pandipperuma

Under the Clean Up srilanka District project Kamburupitiya club also actively participated to the project. Akuressa Kamburupitiya main road surrounding the lake - Lenabatuwa we clean the two sides of the main road. Club president, Zonal chairperson, District GST coordinator and more than 10 lions with lion ladies were participated. In addition other volunteers also participated.

Family Get together

By lions Club of KAMBURUPITIYA on 2024-09-29
Project Chairman : Sadara Pandipperuma

Lion district 306 A2 organized a family gettogether. our club members also actively participated to the event.

Donation to sinhaloka hospital

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA on 2024-08-12
Project Chairman : Anil Chandrarathne

Floor concrete, 4500 sq.ft