Service Activites


Commemoration of world diabetes day

By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-11-10
Project Chairman : Pradeep Milroy Jayasingha

Lions Diabetes day Walk held at Colombo and Lion Nishantha Kariyapperuma participated at the event

Commemoration of world diabetes day

By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-11-10
Project Chairman : Pradeep Milroy Jayasingha

Lions Diabetes day Walk held at Colombo and Lion Indrakumara Jayawardena participated at the event

Commemoration of world diabetes day

By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-11-10
Project Chairman : Pradeep Milroy Jayasingha

Lions Diabetes day Walk held at Colombo and Lion Wasantha Jayawardena participated at the event

Commemoration of world diabetes day

By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-11-10
Project Chairman : Pradeep Milroy Jayasingha

Lions Diabetes day Walk held at Colombo and Lion Pradeep Milroy Jayasinghe participated at the event

multy religious programme

By lions Club of GALLE AKMEEMANA CENTENNIAL on 2024-12-26
Project Chairman : Jilith Nishantha Kathaluwq Kodikarage

A multi-religious program and a special lamp-lighting ceremony were held on December 26, 2024, at 4:00 PM near the Magalle Bridge to honor and commemorate all those who lost their lives in the tsunami disaster. The event was organized by the Galle Akmeemana Centennial Lions Club in collaboration with the Galle Hiroshan Japanese School, with the participation of Lions leaders led by Lion Prasad Gamaga, the Lions President. Participated 35 lions and held the programme 3 hours.

Commemoration of World Diabetes DAy

By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-11-10
Project Chairman : Pradeep Milroy Jayasingha

Contribute Rs. 5000/- for the event

Hadin Hadata Hithawathkama Regional Multiservice Project

By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-10-26
Project Chairman : Pradeep Milroy Jayasingha

Given a Service of a Doctor for the Western Medical Clinic.

Hadin Hadata Hithawathkama Regional Multiservice Project

By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-10-26
Project Chairman : Pradeep Milroy Jayasingha

Printed necessary banners for advertising the Project.

Hadin Hadata Hithawathkama Regional Multiservice Project

By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-10-26
Project Chairman : Pradeep Milroy Jayasingha

Given the coordinating support to get the Mobile Dental Service bus for the dental clinic. Please consider that the value Rs 10 added just for successfully add.

Maga mithuru

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2024-12-29
Project Chairman : Gamini Bandara Chandrasekara

"Magamithuru" district project was conducted 29/12 by the Mattegoda lions club with the presence of Governor.... Sponcerd for food & beverage /Gift vouchers /entertainment /distributed discount gift vouchers /Hall charges

Donation of the Library Bulding

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-12-30
Project Chairman : Waraniya Godage Nihal Kumara

ධම්මචරණ විහාරස්ථානයේ ඉදිකිරීම ආරම්භ කොට ඇති දහම් පාසල් ගොඩනැගිල්ල සහ පුස්තකාල ගොඩනැගිල්ලේ ඉදිරි වැට කඩයුතු සිදුකිරීම සඳහා, මිරිස්වත්ත පිළියන්දල සිංහ සමාජයේ සභාපති සිංහ නිහාල් කුමාර MJF,MAF සහ සාමාජිකයන් විසින් රුපියල් ලක්‍ෂ 500,000/= විහාරස්ථානයේ විහාරාධිකාරී ලෙනදොර කුසලධම්ම ස්වාමීන් වහන්සේට පරිත්‍යාග කරන ලදී.

Support for Camilla School

By lions Club of MAMPE on 2024-12-14
Project Chairman : Adikari Achchillage Pradeep Prasanna Adikari

Donated 7500 for the camila school maintenance

Pragathi - Donation of equipment

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-12-12
Project Chairman : Thanuja Senevirathna

The Dr have requested two more sets of fat grip colour pencils, 2 wall clocks, and some puzzles for the centre which was handed over on 12th December

Akmeemana Special school - Dancing

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-12-30
Project Chairman : Malani Jayalath Umagiliyage

Lion Malini has sponsored the dancing teacher for the Akmeemana Special school. She has donated hundred thousand rupees to cover 10 months up to December 2024. Every month the teacher receive Rs 10000 for her classes.

Pragathi - Allowance of Special Education teacher

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-12-09
Project Chairman : Thanuja Senevirathna

Special education teacher was recruited and she is working three days per week. Her salary of Rs 35000 is paid by Vanni Hope Australia sponsored by Dr Malathi. She has worked with 95 children one-on-one

Pragathi project - Payments for Speech therapist

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-12-04
Project Chairman : Thanuja Senevirathna

The speech therapist has worked 85 hours (three days per week) per month and have attended to 84 children


By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-12-28
Project Chairman : Waraniya Godage Nihal Kumara

6 tickets Rs. 2000×6=Rs.12000

Lions District Christmas day celebration

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2024-12-28
Project Chairman : Rukman Karunananda

Paid for the following expenses Hall charges = Rs. 25000 Christmas decorations and lighting = Rs. 40000 Hiring chairs and tables = Rs.38000 Additional staff payments = Rs.20000 Total = Rs. 123000

Lions District Christmas day celebration

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2024-12-28
Project Chairman : Rukman Karunananda

10 members participated for the christmas day celebration

Lions District Christmas day celebration

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2024-12-28
Project Chairman : Rukman Karunananda

Sold 40 tickets Rs. 2000×40=Rs.80000