Service Activites


Donatin fo School Books

By lions Club of GALLE CITY NEW CENTURY on 2024-10-16
Project Chairman : Wiraj Yasanthalal Nanayakkara

Donation books for poor school children

Beach Cleaning

By lions Club of GALLE CITY NEW CENTURY on 2024-09-28
Project Chairman : Wiraj Yasanthalal Nanayakkara

Lions club of Galle city New Century organizeed beach cleaning campaign together with Leos of Southern metro Leo Club.

Donation Spectacles

By lions Club of GALLE CITY NEW CENTURY on 2024-09-07
Project Chairman : Themiya Wijesena

Doctor Channelling service and donate spectacles

Distributing cloths to Elders home

By lions Club of GALLE BUSINESS CIRCLE on 2024-10-01
Project Chairman : Samantha Dinesh Kanakarathne

Distribution cloths for the need of elders

Cleaning and Distributing cloths

By lions Club of GALLE BUSINESS CIRCLE on 2024-10-01
Project Chairman : Samantha Dinesh Kanakarathne

Elders' home cleaning project and support to elders

Children day donation

By lions Club of GALLE CITY NEW CENTURY on 2024-10-01
Project Chairman : Diyunuge Sumedha Wijayawardhane

Donate for all students to school stationary , school bag, shoes, socks and foods.

Gamatawasanthaya - Promoting rural community health

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-11-23
Project Chairman : Chandrani Ponnamperuma

Lions Club of Galupura Central contacted an awareness programme with guidance from Ahangama MOH for 25 expected mothers from rural areas of Pellessa. This was mainly conducted to support rural mothers to be aware of the balance nutrient food they can find from village and the value of having fruits and vegetables from their home gardens. They were encouraged to grow their own fruits and to find the fruits from the village rather buying imported fruits with preservatives. They were engaged in a group activity to identify the three main nutrients in a meal and what fruits, vegetables and meat will supply these nutrients to our body. Lion Chandrani, Lion Chandrika, Lion Dr Alahakoon, Lion Chamil, Lion Thanuja attended the project. We started the project at 10.00am and ended at 1.00pm.

Almsgiving for Children House

By lions Club of GALLE CITY NEW CENTURY on 2024-08-08
Project Chairman : Godawaththa Liyanage Janaki Iresha


Donation of Nutrient packs - 25 Expectant mothers at Kathaluwa (Ahangama MOH Area)

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-11-23
Project Chairman : Chandrani Ponnamperuma

This is a signature project of Lions Club of Galupura Central which was delivered at Kathaluwa this year. We contacted the Ahangama MOH and got 25 expected mothers to attend the programme at our Siyak Sipsal school. This was mainly conducted to support rural mothers to be aware of the balance nutrient food they have to consume during pregnancy and after. They were given a nutrient pack valued Rs 3000 each and were served with a snack. Contents of the nutrient pack - Gram, Green Garam, Red Rice, Sprats, and one large tin of saman The snack - Kiribath with lunumiris, Halepa and plain tea Lion Chandrani, Lion Chandrika, Lion Dr Alahakoon, Lion Chamil, Lion Thanuja attended the project. We started the project at 10.00am and ended at 1.00pm. For dry rations Rs 60,000, Snack Rs 5,000, transport Rs 5000

Monthly Meeting

By lions Club of GALLE CITY NEW CENTURY on 2024-07-15
Project Chairman : Munugoda Hewage Navindra Kumara

1st Monthly Meeting

නොයා යුත මග

By lions Club of GALLE DIAMOND on 2024-07-04
Project Chairman : Lahiru Munasingha

We conducted a නොයා යුතු මග program for the school childrens of Galle Ginthota Maha Vidyalaya. The program was hosted by the Galle Dimond Lions Club with the financial support of club precident Lion Lahiru Munasighe. He sponsored the sound system and a snack for the children who are taking part in the program. The program was organized by the Galle Dimond Lions Club with the help of the Galle Ginthota Maha Vidyalaya principle and the staff. Lion Jagath Weerasinge was the guest speaker of this event.

Jackfruit Tree Planting

By lions Club of GALLE DIAMOND on 2024-07-02
Project Chairman : Lahiru Munasingha

We planted 20 jackfruit trees in the land of Aradhana Filling Station, owned by the president of the Galle Diamond Lions Club, Lahiru Munasighe. We prepaired the land by dozering the land with a JCB machine and also started a system to conserve the jack trees with the help of Aradhana filling station staff. Lions District Governor Prasad, also participated in this event

Blood Donation

By lions Club of GALLE DIAMOND on 2024-11-24
Project Chairman : Lahiru Munasingha

We had a very successful blood donation camp on November 24 with the collaboration of the Richmond College Old Boys Association well-fair subcommittee. Thanks for the generosity. compassion of 150 donors participated for making a lasting impact on the lives of others in this blood donation, and the Galle Diamond Lions Club hosted the whole event with the full financial support of Lahiru Munasinghe.


By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2024-05-01
Project Chairman : Upul Chandana Kasturiarachchi

The land own by lion Upul Chandana was provided free of charge to start the pre-school The board of Directors approved the continuation of this project as an ongoing project at the board meeting held in june. This building can be rented at least for 35000/-per month Therefore ,35000x12=420000/-

Participation to Regional Multi Service Projects

By lions Club of MATARA RAHULA on 2024-07-21
Project Chairman : Amarajeewa Nape Liyanage

This was a multi-service project implemented by District 306 A2 with the corporation of Region 12 and Region 10. Ten members of the Lions club of Matara Rhula Club participated with some lion ladies. The following Projects were carried out on this day by Lion clubs of Region 10. Medical Clinic Completion of undergoing construction of the school building at Helagama Primary School Legal advisory camp. .

Pragathi project - Recruiting a special education teacher

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-11-11
Project Chairman : Thanuja Senevirathna

The Director of Hospital has requested help from Lions Club of Galupura to fund a special education teacher. Galupura central recruited a qualified teacher for the centre and will be paying the teacher Rs 35,000 monthly. She will be working for three days a week (Monday, Thursday and Friday).

Pragathi project - Autism Childcare Programme

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-11-18
Project Chairman : Thanuja Senevirathna

Lions club of Galupura Central support the education and rehabilitation of Pragathi where they deliver services for 350 kids with differently able. The kids with Autism are supported by a a newly recruited teacher from the club and have equipped her with needed items for education. Have provided two kids tables worth of Rs 22,000 and stationary for special education worth of Rs 17,000

Peace poster contest

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-10-15
Project Chairman : Thanuja Senevirathna

Lions Club of Galupura Central conducted the Peace poster contest at our Siyak Sipsal school at Kathaluwa. Out of all drawings we have selected 9 and have sent it to the project incharge Lion Nayana before the dead line. We are still waiting for acknowledgement and results. Names D.B. Sadev Gimhana N.G.L Thenuja Dilsara J.A. Rehan Adinya W.K. Nimesh Nimsara D.N. Tashmi Nivarthana E. Ameesh Adithya Kumara H.V. Rithara Hasanali S.H.Isumi Charika K.N.Pawan Sankalpa

Women empowerment - Bridal Dressing

By lions Club of GALLE GALUPURA CENTRAL on 2024-11-02
Project Chairman : Chandrani Ponnamperuma

Under the district ladies committee Lion Chandrani Ponnamperuma and Lion Chandrika forwarded 10 ladies to attend the programme. We are so honoured one of our ladies secured the second place at the competition. All ladies were so grateful for the opportunity they received and thanked the organizing committee. The programme was conducted on two full days at Texas Institute (1st Day) and SESSIP Institute (2nd Day). Programme started at 8.30 am amd ended at 5.30pm. Lion Chandrani, Lion Chandrika, Lion Dimuthu, Lion Thanuja and Lion Jayamini participated at the project. Lion Chandrani has paid Rs 1000 per atendee (total Rs 10,000) and a gift of Rs 3000 for the winner. Transport and food were spent from own pocket

Participation for the Regional 5 and Regional 6 Multiservice Project

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA METRO on 2024-10-26
Project Chairman : Ranmali Gunawardena

Joined 8 participants with Ranmali Academy staff in the Regional 5 and Regional 6 Multiservice