Service Activites


Donation of internet connected Smart Digital Board to Delmalla junior school Bulathsinghala.

By lions Club of HORANA on 2024-11-22
Project Chairman : Indika Padmakumara

Donated internet connected Smart Digital Board to Delmalla junior school Bulathsinghala on 22.11.2024. Beneficiaries-300 (students population of the school) Participation-lions 9 others 25 Lion hours-32(excluding non Lions) Chief guest-PDG Lion Nimal Aluthge.

Participated for Hadin Hadata Hithawathkama Program

By lions Club of COLOMBO KALUBOWILA on 2024-11-23
Project Chairman : Nishantha Jayavilal Abeygunawardana

Lion Nishantha Abegunawardhane, Lion Rohana Perea, Lion Ranjith Senewirathna, Lion Ranjini Senewirathna and lion Lady Manula Perera Participated for the programme.

Hadin Hadata Hithawathkama

By lions Club of COLOMBO KALUBOWILA on 2024-11-23
Project Chairman : Wattage Rohana Perera

Sponserd 15 dry ration packs for Villagers. Lion Rohana Perera, LionRanjith Senewirathna, Lion Nishantha Abegunawardhana, Lion Ranjini Senewirathna and Lion Lady Manjula have Participated for the programe.


By lions Club of COLOMBO KALUBOWILA on 2024-11-23
Project Chairman : Wattage Rohana Perera

Contributed Rs.5000/= for Hadin HAdata Programm By Lion HSB Meegolla.

Donation for the School

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-11-12
Project Chairman : Wanniarachchige Don Gamini Shantha

We donated below mentioned items and some infrastructure developments to the Central College, Maharagama 1.Security Room 2.Garbage Bin 3.School bus parking renovation 4.Contribution for the Shelter building at the main entrance Garbage bin donated by Lion Iresh Madushan & the others donated by Lion Gamini Wanniarachchi

Donation for the Sinhaloka Hospital

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-11-26
Project Chairman : Wanniarachchige Don Gamini Shantha

We donated Rs.50,000/= for the Sinhaloka Hospital Fund. Funded by Lion Gamini Wanniarachchi

Lions International Family Fiesta 2024

By lions Club of BATUWANDARA on 2024-09-29
Project Chairman : Priyanandani Wasantha Malavipathirana

We participated to annual Lions club gathering

Donation of Trolley Metresses to General Hospital Horana.

By lions Club of HORANA on 2024-11-28
Project Chairman : Maddumage Seneviratna

Donated 05 trolley Metresses to General Hospital Horana on 28.11 2024 . Project chairperson lion M.Senevirathne. Beneficiaries-1000(estimated more than 1000 patients will be benefited) Participation-lions 09 others 4 =13 Lion hours-9 (excluding non Lions) Cost Rs 37500.00

Water Aerobics

By lions Club of DEHIWALA NORTH on 2024-11-24
Project Chairman : Sumudu Shashikala Amarasinghe

We organized a Water Aerobics Session led by Lion Kithsiri Ihalagamage on Sunday, the 24th, from 7:00 am to 9:00 am at the Sri Jayewardenepura University Swimming Pool. We organized this session for all the athletes and parents from Pro Smashers Badminton Academy, as well as our club members and their families. It’s was a great chance to have fun, get active, and connect with others! Refreshments provided at the end of the event for all those who participated.

Hadun Hadata Hithawathkama - regional multi service project

By lions Club of DEHIWALA NORTH on 2024-11-23
Project Chairman : Chathuranga Samarasinghe Gunasekara

3 members from our club participated in this region project

Hadin Hadata Hithwathkama

By lions Club of DEHIWALA NORTH on 2024-11-23
Project Chairman : Chathuranga Samarasinghe Gunasekara

Lions Club of Dehiwala North joined this regional project by contributing sports equipment to the school. We donated 3 Cricket bats, 6 Tennis balls, 2 Volley balls, Volley ball net and a Net Ball

Nurturing young mind for a bright future

By lions Club of DEHIWALA NORTH on 2024-11-24
Project Chairman : Sumudu Shashikala Amarasinghe

We conducted two programs together with Psychiatrist Udara Gamage for the students of Sri Sucharitha Dhamma School, Nugegoda on the 24th November 2024. Psychiatrist Udara conducted a session for grade 6 and above on the topic “Nawa Yawwanaya” and 2 drama therapists conducted a special program for kids from grade 1 to 6. There were about 250 students altogether joined together with the staff of this Dhamma school.

World Children Day Programme

By lions Club of PASDUNKORALE on 2024-10-01
Project Chairman : Chamila Sampath Piyarathna

organizing a Successful event for children in Matugama area ( more than 100 children ) parallel to World Children Day under the fully sponsorship of Lion Chamila Sampath Piyarathna Providing the school materials, statinaries, bags for children encourage them to enjoy in whole day.

Motivational Programme for 25 Young Persons

By lions Club of PASDUNKORALE on 2024-10-17
Project Chairman : Sandhya Manel Galle Hettiarachchi

Organized a Motivational Programme for Young Persons @ Vision PLUS Private Firm @ Matugama Town. More than 25 young persons who attended to the event and it was encourage to promoted the Brand of Lions club of Pasdunkorale.

Maintenance School Garden at Boralasgamuwa shcool

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA METRO on 2024-09-28
Project Chairman : Upali Gunawardena

Maintenance School Garden at Boralasgamuwa shcool and provide the breakfast for participants

Ayurveda Medicine Camp

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA METRO on 2024-11-28
Project Chairman : Dr. Ruwan Pushpa Kumara

Ayurveda Medicine Camp check and given the treatment for 36 patients attached herewith the registration and cost

Homeopathy Medical Camp

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA METRO on 2024-11-25
Project Chairman : Dr. Buddika Vithanachchi

Homeopathy Medical camp given medicine for 61 patients attached herewith the registration and cost

Sponsoring Hearing Aides

By lions Club of WELLAWATTE WEST on 2024-08-15
Project Chairman : Dulip Chitral Jayawardena

Sponsoring Hearing Aides-Abdul Basheer

Sponsoring hearing aides

By lions Club of WELLAWATTE WEST on 2024-11-15
Project Chairman : Dulip Chitral Jayawardena

Sponsoring hearing aides-Prasi Anthony Cooray

Sponsoring Hearing Aid-Shaisa

By lions Club of WELLAWATTE WEST on 2024-08-15
Project Chairman : Dulip Chitral Jayawardena

Sponsoring Hearing Aid-Shaisa