Service Activites


Providing dinner for Shanthi Niwasa

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2024-07-17
Project Chairman : Surani Hemamala De Silva

Children’s Day Celebration at Olathe Rahula Vidyalaya

By lions Club of GALLE KARAPITIYA on 2024-10-01
Project Chairman : Sagarika Jayarathna

Celebrated world children’s day with 210 students of Opatha Rahula Primary School, Galle by providing breakfast, ice cream, donated books for the children and for the school library. Club members performed their talents to entertain the children.

Future Builders/ Siyak Siphal

By lions Club of GALLE ROYALTY on 2024-08-15
Project Chairman : Chandima Nayanakanthi Hewavithana Kuruvita

Under the Future Builders District project, Lions Club of Galle Royalty lions has donated Advance Level Art subjects book sets for 06 Students those who were not attending to the school due to financial circumstances. Lion members relatives, friends has contributed those requirements.

Siyaksiphal 4th Project (Scholarship)

By lions Club of COLOMBO MEDIA CIRCLE on 2024-10-10
Project Chairman : Thalpe Gamage Jayani Nisansala De Silva

This document is a letter from the National Savings Bank (NSB) in Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. Here's the key information extracted: Header Details: NSB Contact Information: Telephone: 011 285 3564 Fax: 011 285 2873 Email: Date: 2024-11-20 Main Content: Recipient: T.G.J.N. (Full name redacted for privacy). Address: 52/10, Beta Road, Nugegoda. Account Information: Account Holder Name: [Redacted] Account Number: 100262125625 Reference Details: Transaction on 2019-07-26, associated with account 10750012325, a fixed deposit of Rs. 2,000/- was made. Request Statement: Confirmation of financial transaction details. Signature: Signed by I.N.S.A. Nanayakkara, Manager, National Savings Bank, Nugegoda. Footer: General NSB Information: NSB Head Office at Savings House, Colombo 03. Contacts: 011 2573008-15, Fax: 011 2379333.

Siyaksiphal 3rd Project (Scholarship)

By lions Club of COLOMBO MEDIA CIRCLE on 2024-09-10
Project Chairman : Thalpe Gamage Jayani Nisansala De Silva

This document is a letter from the National Savings Bank (NSB) in Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. Here's the key information extracted: Header Details: NSB Contact Information: Telephone: 011 285 3564 Fax: 011 285 2873 Email: Date: 2024-11-20 Main Content: Recipient: T.G.J.N. (Full name redacted for privacy). Address: 52/10, Beta Road, Nugegoda. Account Information: Account Holder Name: [Redacted] Account Number: 100262125625 Reference Details: Transaction on 2019-07-26, associated with account 10750012325, a fixed deposit of Rs. 2,000/- was made. Request Statement: Confirmation of financial transaction details. Signature: Signed by I.N.S.A. Nanayakkara, Manager, National Savings Bank, Nugegoda. Footer: General NSB Information: NSB Head Office at Savings House, Colombo 03. Contacts: 011 2573008-15, Fax: 011 2379333.

Scholarship for a child

By lions Club of COLOMBO PRIDE on 2024-09-29
Project Chairman : Hasitha Dharmakeerthi

The signature project of sponsoring Rs 2,000/- to a child in a single parent family. Child is Ranasinghage Umarsha Kavishan who studies in the grade 6 at Handupelpola Vidyalaya. Mother is Nayana Lasanthi Jayawardena of 69/55, Indipitiyagama, Kindelpitiya, Millewa. She is a mother of three kids. Her ID No. 197568503546. Their only income is “Samurdhi” which is a government payment for the people in need.

Siyaksiphal 2nd Project (Scholarship)

By lions Club of COLOMBO MEDIA CIRCLE on 2024-08-10
Project Chairman : Thalpe Gamage Jayani Nisansala De Silva

This document is a letter from the National Savings Bank (NSB) in Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. Here's the key information extracted: Header Details: NSB Contact Information: Telephone: 011 285 3564 Fax: 011 285 2873 Email: Date: 2024-11-20 Main Content: Recipient: T.G.J.N. (Full name redacted for privacy). Address: 52/10, Beta Road, Nugegoda. Account Information: Account Holder Name: [Redacted] Account Number: 100262125625 Reference Details: Transaction on 2019-07-26, associated with account 10750012325, a fixed deposit of Rs. 2,000/- was made. Request Statement: Confirmation of financial transaction details. Signature: Signed by I.N.S.A. Nanayakkara, Manager, National Savings Bank, Nugegoda. Footer: General NSB Information: NSB Head Office at Savings House, Colombo 03. Contacts: 011 2573008-15, Fax: 011 2379333.

Siyaksiphal 1st Project (Scholarship)

By lions Club of COLOMBO MEDIA CIRCLE on 2024-07-10
Project Chairman : Thalpe Gamage Jayani Nisansala De Silva

This document is a letter from the National Savings Bank (NSB) in Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. Here's the key information extracted: Header Details: NSB Contact Information: Telephone: 011 285 3564 Fax: 011 285 2873 Email: Date: 2024-11-20 Main Content: Recipient: T.G.J.N. (Full name redacted for privacy). Address: 52/10, Beta Road, Nugegoda. Account Information: Account Holder Name: [Redacted] Account Number: 100262125625 Reference Details: Transaction on 2019-07-26, associated with account 10750012325, a fixed deposit of Rs. 2,000/- was made. Request Statement: Confirmation of financial transaction details. Signature: Signed by I.N.S.A. Nanayakkara, Manager, National Savings Bank, Nugegoda. Footer: General NSB Information: NSB Head Office at Savings House, Colombo 03. Contacts: 011 2573008-15, Fax: 011 2379333.

Donation to Sinhaloka Hospital

By lions Club of COLOMBO PRIDE on 2024-09-10
Project Chairman : Harindu Nimal Aluthge

This Donation was received from Mr Dimuth Jayawardhane - USA

Donation to Sinhaloka Hospital

By lions Club of COLOMBO PRIDE on 2024-09-07
Project Chairman : Harindu Nimal Aluthge

This donation was received from Mr Sunerth Jayawardhane - USA Note : Reforwarded with new image of the receipt and a copy of the letter of appreciation.

Participated to District Family Get Togrther

By lions Club of MILLANIYA GOLDEN JUBILEE on 2024-09-29
Project Chairman : Manathunga Mudiyanselage Jayanth Premajeewa

15 lions from our lion club participated in the district family Get Together

our Club Sponsorship for Family Get Together

By lions Club of MILLANIYA GOLDEN JUBILEE on 2024-09-29
Project Chairman : Manathunga Mudiyanselage Jayanth Premajeewa

We have made a contribution of 50000 rupees by the attendance of the Lions Club members and by getting the tickets

Donation to Sinhaloka Lions Hospital

By lions Club of COLOMBO PRIDE on 2024-09-06
Project Chairman : Harindu Nimal Aluthge

This donation was received from Mr Rajive Jayawardhane - USA

Donation of Strips and Needles

By lions Club of BELLANTUDAWA ROYAL LADIES on 2024-08-05
Project Chairman : Sriyanthi Perera

Donation of Strips and Needles for diabetic Patient.

Sponsorship for Family Get Together

By lions Club of MILLANIYA GOLDEN JUBILEE on 2024-09-29
Project Chairman : Sarath Sooriyaarchchi MJF

lion Dr. Sarath Sooriarachchi gave 500 king coconut for Family Get Together The price of one king coconut is Rs 100 each

Sponsorship for Family Get Together

By lions Club of MILLANIYA GOLDEN JUBILEE on 2024-09-29
Project Chairman : Sarath Sooriyaarchchi MJF

Lion Dr. Sarath Sooroarachchi donated 600 water bottles to Family Get Together

Sponsorship for Family Get Together

By lions Club of MILLANIYA GOLDEN JUBILEE on 2024-09-29
Project Chairman : Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage Damitha Pushpa Kumara Yasanayaka MJF

Lion Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage Damitha Pushpa Kumara YasanayakaAlvis gave of LKR 7,000 to Family Get Together

Cleanup Srilanka- District Project

By lions Club of GALLE ROYALTY on 2024-09-28
Project Chairman : Ravindra Prasad MJF

Cleanup Srilanka join project with District 306A2 AND Shadra TV. We as a Region 8 Cleaned entrance of Highway entrance road and Devata Beach. Region 8, Zone 02 Lions club of Galle Royalty, Lions Club of Galle Karapitiya and Galle Legends members with Region Chairman Lion Rumesh Gamage AND Zone Chairman Lion Ravindra Prasad + Zone 01 Chairman Lion Upul Chandrasekara were participated to complete this task . Lion Rumesh and Lion Vipula Jayarathna was contributed for the refreshments

Sponsorship for District Family Get-together

By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-09-29
Project Chairman : Pradeep Milroy Jayasingha

Lion Pradeep Milroy sponsored for the event

Participation in District Family Get-together

By lions Club of RAIGAMPURAWARAYA on 2024-09-29
Project Chairman : U. Kamanthi Ganga Roshini

Lion UKG Roshini Participated in District Family Get-together