Providing Healthcare Facilities:Facilities worth LKR 2,000/= - LKR 5,000/= Per Month-(20,000/=)per person
zone 2
Region 7
One Nimal Edirisinghe, a kidney patient has requested financial assistance from us long year ago and Lion Chandani Fernando of our club gave her consent to inject funds monthly to his account. Since then, direct payment of Rs.5000/- is being made to his account at BOC to date by her. සභාපති සහ ලේකම් විසින් මෙම ගනුදෙනුව සනාථ කරන ලද ලිපිය මෙහි ඇති Attachment එකට upload කර ඇත. කරුණාකර එය open කර බලන්න.