Providing Educational Support:Scholarships worth LKR 2,000/= - LKR 5,000/= Per Month-(20,000/=) per person
zone 2
Region 6
227/3, Thalgahawila Road, Kuda Uduwa, Horana.
The signature project of sponsoring Rs 2,000/- to a child in a single parent family. Child is Ranasinghage Umarsha Kavishan who studies in the grade 6 at Handupelpola Vidyalaya. Mother is Nayana Lasanthi Jayawardena of 69/55, Indipitiyagama, Kindelpitiya, Millewa. She is a mother of three kids. Her ID No. 197568503546. Their only income is “Samurdhi” which is a government payment for the people in need.