Donation of Nutrient packs - 25 Expectant mothers at Kathaluwa (Ahangama MOH Area)

Chandrani Ponnamperuma
Organizing Hunger programs
zone 1
Region 9
Kathaluwa Pellessa Siri Wimalasiri primary school
This is a signature project of Lions Club of Galupura Central which was delivered at Kathaluwa this year. We contacted the Ahangama MOH and got 25 expected mothers to attend the programme at our Siyak Sipsal school. This was mainly conducted to support rural mothers to be aware of the balance nutrient food they have to consume during pregnancy and after. They were given a nutrient pack valued Rs 3000 each and were served with a snack. Contents of the nutrient pack - Gram, Green Garam, Red Rice, Sprats, and one large tin of saman The snack - Kiribath with lunumiris, Halepa and plain tea Lion Chandrani, Lion Chandrika, Lion Dr Alahakoon, Lion Chamil, Lion Thanuja attended the project. We started the project at 10.00am and ended at 1.00pm. For dry rations Rs 60,000, Snack Rs 5,000, transport Rs 5000
15 hour(s)
Thanuja Senevirathna
2024-11-29 07:37:38
2024-11-29 07:37:38
70, 000.00 LKR
