Home Activities Club Activiteis Donation of electronic key board (musical organ) and special gift packs to children of Pelapitigoda Sri Kusalagnana junior school.
Donation of electronic key board (musical organ) and special gift packs to children of Pelapitigoda Sri Kusalagnana junior school.
Indika Padmakumara
Distribution of School Books and Equipment
zone 2
Region 6
Pelapitigoda Sri Kusalagnana junior school Thebuwana.
Donated following Items to Pelapitigoda Sri Kusalagnana junior school children on 08.11.2024.
(This is in addition to exercise books and school materials donation )
1)electronic key board (Organ) Rs 150000.00
2)Special gift packs-Rs 20000.00(signal tooth paste and signal tooth brushes)
3)tea and snacks (Fish bun and milk tea) Rs 7200.00
4)awareness programme for students regarding Health Habits and nutrition.
Beneficiaries-116 (including teachers and non academic staff)
Total cost Rs 177200.00(milk tea cost not included)
Participation-lions-8 L/L4 Others-30(parents)
Volunteer hours-42 (including non Lions)
Lion hours-12 (excluding non Lions)