Service Activites


Conducting a multi service medical camp for Ferentino Tyre corporations employees at Ferentino Tyre corporations premises BOI ZONE Wagawaththa.

By lions Club of HORANA on 2024-10-25
Project Chairman : Indika Padmakumara

Conducted a multi service medical camp for Ferentino Tyre corporations employees at Ferentino office complex premises BOI ZONE Horana. Following activities done at the project. 1)western medical camp. 2)Diabetics and NCD Awareness programme. Beneficiaries-125 Participation-lions 3 L/L2 others 3 =8 Volunteer hours-30(including non Lions) Lion hours-12(excluding non Lions)


By lions Club of GALLE BUSINESS CIRCLE on 2024-10-26
Project Chairman : Priyantha Kanakarathna

Donated waching machine to the elders who residing in elderly home in Unawatuna

Donation of library books to Debeddekiwula junior school Monaragala.

By lions Club of HORANA on 2024-11-19
Project Chairman : Dayapala Pathirage

Donated library books to Debeddekiwula junior school Monaragala on 19.11.2024 Participation-lions 11 L/L7 Lion hours-11(excluding non Lions) Lion Dayapala Pathirage and lion Indika Padmakumara participated on behalf of the club.

Donation of Musical instruments to School Band of Batugammana Debeddekiwula junior school Monaragala.

By lions Club of HORANA on 2024-11-19
Project Chairman : Dayapala Pathirage

Donated Musical instruments to School Band at Debeddekiwula junior school Monaragala. We have done this project at the request of Buththala Grace lions club. Participation-lions 11 L/L7 Children parents also participated. Lion hours-48(excluding non Lions) Lion Dayapala Pathirage and president lion Indika Padmakumara participated on behalf of the club. Lions of Buththala Grace,Wellawaya Centennial,Buththala Metro,Monaragala Udundora,Wellassa Monaragala also participated to the project.


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2024-11-23
Project Chairman : Dandeniya Arachchige Piyathilake

Lion Piyathilaka Dandeniya donated 05 budded fruit plants worth of Rs.350/- each for planting the premises of the school and 25 home garden cultivation kits among 25 children .Each box contains 50 Nos Brinjal plants, 50 Nos Chillie plants, 50 Nos tomato plants & fruit plants worth of Rs.1000/- each. This project was organised by R-1 R-12 .


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2024-11-23
Project Chairman : Dandeniya Arachchige Piyathilake

Lion Piyathilaka Dandeniya participated for the "Hadin Hadata Multi Service Project held on 23.11.2024.

Donation of exercise books and school materials to Dhamma school children of Vivekarama temple Dombagoda

By lions Club of HORANA on 2024-11-17
Project Chairman : Siripala Athukorala JP

On 17.11.2024 following activities done by the club at Vivekarama temple Dombagoda for Dhamma school children. 1)Donated exercise books and school materials. Rs 28350.00 2)provided Snacks and Milk tea-Es 8400.00 +2100 3)Awareness session for Damma school children regarding Health habits and nutrition. Total cost-Rs38850.00 Project chairperson lion Siripala Athukorala. Beneficiaries-105 Participation-lions 8 L/L1 others 40 (parents) Volunteer hours-98 (including non Lions ) Lion hours-24 (excluding non Lions)

Donation of electronic key board (musical organ) and special gift packs to children of Pelapitigoda Sri Kusalagnana junior school.

By lions Club of HORANA on 2024-11-08
Project Chairman : Indika Padmakumara

Donated following Items to Pelapitigoda Sri Kusalagnana junior school children on 08.11.2024. (This is in addition to exercise books and school materials donation ) 1)electronic key board (Organ) Rs 150000.00 2)Special gift packs-Rs 20000.00(signal tooth paste and signal tooth brushes) 3)tea and snacks (Fish bun and milk tea) Rs 7200.00 4)awareness programme for students regarding Health Habits and nutrition. Beneficiaries-116 (including teachers and non academic staff) Total cost Rs 177200.00(milk tea cost not included) Participation-lions-8 L/L4 Others-30(parents) Volunteer hours-42 (including non Lions) Lion hours-12 (excluding non Lions)

Providing Dry Ration , Sanitary towels and Things to Dekaduwala Female Monks.

By lions Club of ARAWWALA on 2024-11-24
Project Chairman : Ginthotage Udara Iranga Ginthota

Providing Dry Rations , Sanitation towels to Female Monks . 5 Milk powders 20 kg sugar 30 kg rice 25 Ssnitary towels Parippu , kadala , coffee , tooth past , tooth brushes , Panadol , asamodagam , books etc

Serving Food 80 Mehenin Wahanse in Dekaduwala Horana.

By lions Club of ARAWWALA on 2024-11-24
Project Chairman : Hewa pathirannehalage Kokila Priyanga Kumari

We Offered Breakfast for 120 people including 80 Student Meditation Female Monks and Others . District first Vice Governor, and his lion lady , Region 2 Zone chairperson also participated . We prepared all the food from home and Brought. Rice , String hoppers , Bread , Milk rice , fish , Green beans , Potato , wade , Coconut sambal , seeni sambal , Katta sambal , dry fish , Soya meat , Banana , Aluwa, Welithalapa.. etc We are 22 lions and 12 lion family participated.

Conducting a Bodi puja pinkamaa

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2024-07-13
Project Chairman : Gayathri Karunanada

Conducting bodhi puja pinkama to bless all the members of the Lions club

Relevant Cabinet Officer visit to club project

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2024-10-23
Project Chairman : Gayathri Karunanada

Lion pradeep Milroy -(project coordinator-Autism Child care program)visit to year-end party, Chithra lane school.

Providing food for Camila school

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2024-10-08
Project Chairman : Gayathri Karunanada

Providing evening snacks for the Camila school Children. 300×60

Contribution to District Elders day

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2024-11-09
Project Chairman : Rukman Karunananda

Donation of fifty Gifts for Elders with the collaboration of the Beliatte lions club. 50 Towels×400--20000 Wrapping-----1800

Participation in District Elders day program

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2024-11-09
Project Chairman : Rukman Karunananda

Sixteen members are participation in District Elders day program-per lion member(1000)

Commemorations of White Cane Day.

By lions Club of HORANA on 2024-10-31
Project Chairman : Indika Padmakumara

Contributed to District White Cane Day. Donated Special gifts packs to 100 Beneficiaries. President lion Indika Padmakumara and Zone chairperson lion Dayapala Pathirage Participated to the project on behalf of the club.

Foster Parent Scholarship program

By lions Club of MATARA RAHULA on 2024-08-19
Project Chairman : Amarajeewa Nape Liyanage

One scholarship was offered to a student of Mahinda Rajapaksa College, Matara who fulfilled our criteria. Funds donated by Lion Varshahannadi his wife`s name were utilised for this scholarship. Donated Rs 60,000.00 will be given monthly in Rs 2500.00 installments for two years. The student's name is Udana Isurandi who studying in grade 9 she has lost his father suddenly and now facing financial difficulties. The student was selected with the recommendation of the Principal of the school and the Grama Niadari of the area.

Elder Care Program at Thusitha Elders Home

By lions Club of POLGASOWITA on 2024-09-19
Project Chairman : J. W. A. Jayasekara

Lions cleaned the elders home residents by bathing them and providing haircuts and checked their health vitals including blood pressure and then enjoyed the evening by doing a sing along with them and providing them with a meal.

Donation to the Sinhaloka Hospital

By lions Club of POLGASOWITA on 2024-08-18
Project Chairman : Jayaratna Manamperi

Donated Rs 100,000 on behalf of the Lions club to the District Governer

Donation of School Items for Siyambalagoda Vidyalaya Polgasowita

By lions Club of POLGASOWITA on 2025-08-16
Project Chairman : Don Vincet Abeysinghe

Donated School Items and Agricultural Items to the needy school children and donated Agricultural equipment to the School as well. Donated 33 Packs of School Equipment each worth of Rs 1500 The pack included Books , Pencils, Pens, Erasers and a geometry box