Service Activites


Cricket carnival other project

By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2025-01-25
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage

Providing a cap with lion logo for the cricket carnival

Cricket carnival participation

By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2025-01-25
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage

Participated cricket carnival ad a members of lion club if dehiwala legends Lion Anoma Lion vajira Lion krishanthi LionDewduni Lion malki Lion krishanthi's son Lion Ranjan

Cricket carnival Enovation hut

By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2025-01-25
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage

Participated District cricket carnival and won the equal 1st place for the hut decorations

Cricket carnival fancy parade

By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2025-01-25
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage

Participated cricket carnival fancy parade and won 1st place . Created jasaya lenchina dance by providing 10 Antique masks and cloths.

Cricket carnival

By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2025-01-25
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage

Participated cricket team

Elder care

By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2025-02-06
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage

Donated lunch ,providing foods for dinner, donate daytoday needs and cash for their other needs who stay in hettarachci elder home un Arewwala. 30 people

ICT online education

By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2025-01-24
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage

Conducting ICT online classe by lion prabuddha for Beliatta patyiyapola kanishta vidyala students .

The sponsorship for the purchase of wooden for the roof

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2025-02-08
Project Chairman : Waraniya Godage Nihal Kumara

සිරි තිසරණ ධර්මායතන දහම් පාසලේ පුස්තකාල ගොඩනැගිල්ලේ වහලය සඳහා ලී දඬු මිලදී ගැනීම වෙනුවෙන් අනුග්‍රහයේ දැක්වීම මිරිස්වත්ත පිළියන්දල සිංහ සමාජයේ

Leadership training workshop for Dhamma school children

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2025-02-09
Project Chairman : CC,IPDG Nuwan Chamara Indunil Ballantudawa Achchige

බහු මණ්ඩල අධිපති සිංහ නුවන් බැල්ලන් තුඩාව සහ මිරිස්වත්ත පිළියන්දල සිංහ සමාජයේ සභාපති සිංහ නිහාල් විසින් රුපියල් 20,000/=ක මුදලක් මෙම වැඩසටහනට පරිත්‍යාග කරන ලදී

Blood Donation

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2025-02-07
Project Chairman : Wanniarachchige Don Gamini Shantha

We organized a blood donation program in Boralesgamuwa join with Vidma Engineering & Thunder & Neon organizations. More than 50 employees donated blood from above companies and also many outsiders also donated.

Provision of evening snacks and tea to in house children at Sukhitha Handicapped girls home Galpatha.

By lions Club of HORANA on 2025-02-09
Project Chairman : Rathnasena Ranathunge JP

Provided evening snacks and tea to in house children at Sukhitha Handicapped girls home Galpatha. Rs 5000.00 cash donated to girls home for the purpose.

Cancer care Art workshop

By lions Club of DEHIWALA LEGENDS on 2025-02-06
Project Chairman : P. K. Anoma Malani Pathiranage

Held therapeutic art work shop for children who get treatment in CCC house in Aoejsha hospital.

Childhood Cancer ( Mind Setting Programs )

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2025-02-06
Project Chairman : Adikarige Don Janaka Pushpakumara

පිළිකා රෝගයෙන් පීඩා විඳින ළමුන් 15 දෙනෙකු සඳහා මහරගම පිළිකා රෝහල් CCC පරිශ්‍රයේදී මානසික සුවතාවේ ඉලක්ක කරගෙන චිත්‍ර ඇඳීම සඳහා ඔවුන් යොමු කිරීම. චිත්‍ර ඇඳීම සඳහා board Water කලර්ස්,බ්‍රෂ්,සහ පාසල් උපකරණ බෙදා දීම

Camilla School

By lions Club of COLOMBO HAVELOCK TOWN on 2025-01-10
Project Chairman : Adrian Senadhira

Full day's meals provided for the inmates at Camilla School, sponsored by Lion Adrian and L /L Shereen Senadhira at a cost of Rs 25,000.00

Meals Donation

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2025-02-03
Project Chairman : Wanniarachchige Don Gamini Shantha

ගොඩිගමුව මෙන්සින් වැඩිහිටි සංගමයේ 12 වන සැමරුමට සමගාමිව වැඩිහිටියන් සඳහා ආහාර වේලක් ලබා දෙන ලදී.එම උත්සව කටයුතු සංවිධානය කිරීමට ගොඩිගමුව සන්ටිනියල් සිංහ සමාජය මඟින් සිදු කරන ලදී.03/02/2025 දින ගොඩිගමුව ශ්‍රී සද්ධර්රාම විහාරයේදී පැවැති මෙම උළෙල සඳහා ප්‍රධාන ආරාධිත ලෙස සිංහ ගාමිණි වන්නිආරච්චි සහභාගී වුන අතර සිංහ ගැමුණු කොටුවේගෙදර සහ සිංහ ප්‍රසාන්තද මේ සඳහා සහභාගී විය

Temple Renovation

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2025-02-04
Project Chairman : Gemunu Mirispala Kotuwegedara

We renovated and painted whole temple in Apeksha Hospital. Project done by Lion Gamunu Kotuwegedara

Dengue Awareness Program

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-12-21
Project Chairman : Rohitha Nissanka Nelson

We contributed for the dengue prevention awareness program organized by Karadiyana garbage management center join together several MOH centers around Piliyandala.

Blood Donation

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2025-02-01
Project Chairman : Wanniarachchige Don Gamini Shantha

We organized a blood donation program at Maharagama Central College. 89 parents and teachers blood donated. Chief Guest was Lion Gamini Wanniarachchi

Provision of Meals for Pre - School Children's

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA METRO on 2025-01-04
Project Chairman : Hasini M Wijesinghe

Provision Meals for 60 Pre - School Children's

Organizing Health Education from program

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA METRO on 2025-01-04
Project Chairman : Hasini M Wijesinghe

Organizing Health Education from program Pre - School Children's and parents