Service Activites



By lions Club of WALASMULLA on 2024-12-22
Project Chairman : Asanka Chamalee Weerasingha Gunawardana

Due to the shortage of blood on these days , there was a need for a blood donation camp. One of the main reasons for this is the increase the number of surgeries performed per day at the Base Hospital Walasmulla. Therefore Walasmulla lions club participated in the blood donation program and we donated blood.

ICT Seminar

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-12-10
Project Chairman : Waraniya Godage Nihal Kumara

join project LC Divulapitiya united

Childhood Cancer project

By lions Club of Colombo Donz on 2024-12-21
Project Chairman : Dr. Lasitha Munasingha

Organizing a Childhood cancer awareness program. Including breakfast and refreshments during the program

Conducting Diabetes screening camp

By lions Club of ARAWWALA on 2024-12-09
Project Chairman : U. D. S. Nadeeshan Dhanapala

Diabetes camp in mulleriyawa

Construction of the Sangawasa & Library Bulding

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-12-10
Project Chairman : Waraniya Godage Nihal Kumara

මිරිසත්ව පිළියන්දල සිංහ සමාජයේ සභාපති සිංහ නිහාල් කුමාර සමඟ සියලුම සාමාජිකයන් එක්ව රුපියල් ලක්ෂ 47 අධික වියදමක් වැයකොට ඉදිකරන්නට යෙදුණු සිරි තිසරණ ධර්මායතනයේ සිව් මහල් සංගාවාස සහ පුස්තකාල ගොඩනැගිල්ලේ පහත මාලය 1O-12-2024 වන දින සාසනය වෙත පූජා කරන ලදී. විහාරාධිපති ඇඹිලිපිටියේ රතනජෝති ස්වාමීන් වහන්සේට සංඝාවාසය සහ පුස්තකාල ගොඩනැගිල්ලේ පහත මාලයේ යතුර මිරිස්වත්ත පිළියන්දල සිංහ සමාජයේ සභාපති සිංහ නිහාල් කුමාර සමග එකව ප්‍රාදේශීය සභාපති සිංහ චින්තක ඩි සිල්වා,කලාපීය සභාපති සිංහ ගයන් රාමසිංහ සහ සිංහ සමාජයේ අනිකුත් සිංහයන්ගේ මූලිකත්වයෙන් සිදුකරන්නට යෙදුණි.


By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2024-09-20
Project Chairman : Chithrabandu De Silva

මහරගම මිතුරු කැල සුභසාධක සමිතිය පුටු සහ ආවරණ මඩුවක් සාදා ගැනීම

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2024-12-18
Project Chairman : Waraniya Godage Nihal Kumara

මහරගම මිතුරු කැල සුභසාධක සමිතිය පුටු සහ ආවරණ මඩුවක් සාදා ගැනීම සඳහා රුපියල් ලක්ෂ තුනක් ලබා දෙන ලදී මේ සඳහා අනුග්‍රහ මිරිස්වත්ත පිළියන්දල සිංහ සමාජය සහ සභාපතිතුමා ඇතුළු සිංහ සුනන්ද සිංහ ජනක මේ සඳහා මුදල් ලබා දෙන ලදී

Sponsoring cancer patient and her son - Barandana . mawathagama

By lions Club of ARAWWALA on 2024-12-18
Project Chairman : Hewa Minaththuge Poornima Ariyasiri

Sponsoring Mother with cancer and Her son still studying .

Serving porridge on uduwap poya day

By lions Club of ARAWWALA on 2024-12-14
Project Chairman : E. G. Prasadith Padmakumara

Served Porridge for 150 who observed sil on pota day .

Donation For Rice 25 Kg To Gilan Bhikshu Hospital-Kosgama

By lions Club of WELLAWATTE WEST on 2024-12-14
Project Chairman : Sudas Jayaruwan Sumathirathne

Donation For Rice 25 Kg To Gilan Bhikshu Hospital-Kosgama

Clean Up sri lanka project

By lions Club of BUTTALA GRACE on 2024-09-28
Project Chairman : Dr. E. A. Deisika Sewwandi

Clean up sri lanka project

Providing Resource person for creative writing in primary school children

By lions Club of BUTTALA GRACE on 2024-12-15
Project Chairman : Dr Don Subashini Godage

Lion Dr Subashini did a workshop of creative writing and skill development for primary school children at Puhukotuwa school

Library book donation to Mo/Dutugemunu model primary school, Puhulkotuwa

By lions Club of BUTTALA GRACE on 2024-12-15
Project Chairman : Dr Don Subashini Godage

library books were donated to Mo/Puhulkotuwa Dutugemunu Model School.


By lions Club of WALASMULLA on 2024-11-06
Project Chairman : Asanka Chamalee Weerasingha Gunawardana

We contributed to arrange Diabetes walk program in Base Hospital walasmulla and it helped to improve knowledge regarding blood sugar management, improve heart health and reduce the risk of other health problem.

providing healthcare facilities

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA on 2024-12-16
Project Chairman : Channa Prabath Kariyawasam Aittha Gamage

Beheth sadaha mudal labadima 10000/- 52024.12.16

providing healthcare facilities

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA on 2024-11-22
Project Chairman : Channa Prabath Kariyawasam Aittha Gamage

Beheth sadaha mudal labadima 5000/- 10000/- total 15000/


By lions Club of WALASMULLA on 2024-10-19
Project Chairman : Edmond Keerthi Siriwardana

We served foods, clothes and sanitary items to elder home. We helped to clean all disabled elders in that place.

District Christmas day donation

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA on 2024-12-28
Project Chairman : R. A. Sarath Preethi Kumara Perera



By lions Club of WALASMULLA on 2024-10-29
Project Chairman : Asanka Chamalee Weerasingha Gunawardana

Base Hospital Walasmulla was conducted free eye camp and 480 cataract surgeries done. We donated paints to Base Hospital Walasmulla for renovate the two wards and that wards used for cataract surgery patients. Also we painted that both wards and we donated medicines ( Eye drops) for that patients.


By lions Club of Colombo Donz on 2024-12-16
Project Chairman : Dr. Lasitha Munasingha

Provide lunch for Cancer patients at “Thalith Cum”, St. Anne’s convent. Pitakotte.