Service Activites



By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2024-11-22
Project Chairman : Dandeniya Arachchige Piyathilake

Lion Piyathilaka Dandeniya has been donating a sum of Rs/2000/- to the School Development Society of WP/HO/Gungamuwa Primary School as a part payment of a salary for an IT Teacher, since there is no an IT Teacher has been recruited for the school. Lion Dandeniya and few others are donating for this project.


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2025-02-07
Project Chairman : Dandeniya Arachchige Piyathilake

One of the Electricity bills of the temple has been paid monthly by Lion Piyathilaka Dandeniya for years. It includes current bill of Budu geya, Viharaya, Bodhiya, Sunday School etc .


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2025-01-10
Project Chairman : Baduge Chandani Dewanan Fernando

One Nimal Edirisinghe, a diabetic & kidney patient has requested financial assistance from us long year ago and Lion Chandani Fernando of our club gave her consent to donate funds monthly to his account. Since then, Rs.5000/- is being made to his account through our Project Account maintained at Bank of Ceylon, Bandaragama Branch.

Clean Sri Lanka

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2025-02-23
Project Chairman : Kudage Don Daupadra Sameera Sirisena

මිරිස්වත්ත පිළියන්දල සිංහ සමාජයේ සමග එක්ක බුලත්සිංහල පොලිස් ස්ථානය බුලත්සිංහලප්‍රාදේශීය සභාව සමග මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතිය සි දු කරන ලදී. සිංහ සාමාජිකයන් 06 ස්ථානාධිපතිතුමා ඇතුළු පොලිස් නිලධාරීන් 35 අධික සංඛ්‍යාවක් සහ ප්‍රාදේශීය සභාවේ සේවකයන් 32 සහ ප්‍රදේශවාසී පිරිස් සහ දිය නෑමට පැමිණි පිරිස් සමග එකතුව ඉතා සාර්ථක අන්දමින් මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතිය සිදු කරන ලදී මුළු ව්‍යාපෘතිය සඳහා 150 අධික පුද්ගලයින් සංඛ්‍යාවක් සක්‍රීයව දායකත්වය දක්වන ලදී.


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2025-02-10
Project Chairman : Kamani Jayasinghe

R M Methmi Upeksha, who is an A/L Student aged 18+ has requessted us for a financial assistance for her studies. Mr Ruchira Bandara gave his consent to assist Methmi until she finishes her A/L studies. For the first instalment, we issued a cheque for Rs.4000/- and for incoming months, a standing order is processing.


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2025-01-10
Project Chairman : Kamani Jayasinghe

R M Methmi Upeksha, who is an A/L Student aged 18+ has requessted us for a financial assistance for her studies. Mr Ruchira Bandara gave his consent to assist Methmi until she finishes her A/L studies. For the first instalment, we issued a cheque for Rs.4000/- and for incoming months, a standing order is processing. Her request letter and our Confirmation letter attached herewith.


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2025-01-03
Project Chairman : Gamage Samarasiri Perera

Lion G S Perera has been funding for a scholarship to a student named Chamani Primasha who is not in good health and coming from a needy family.


By lions Club of WEEDAGAMA on 2025-01-10
Project Chairman : Kamani Jayasinghe

P. Sugiethma Jayathilaka whose father lost few years ago, is a student of Horana Taxila College, She qualified for the AL last year and requested financial assistance for her studies . We communicated with Mr Ruchira Bandara and he agreed to give his hands to that student and since December 2024 he injected funds to Sugithma's mothers account through our project account. (Confirmation letter of the transaction is enclosed)

Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders - 2nd Program with Prof. Praneeth Abeysundara

By lions Club of HORANA METRO on 2025-02-14
Project Chairman : Saman Kindelpitiya

Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders - 2nd Program with Prof. Praneeth Abeysundara A transformational leadership program for O/L & A/L students of Makuluduwa Maha Vidyalaya will be held on February 14, 2025, in Polgasowita. The session, moderated by the renowned Professor Praneeth Abeysundara, focused on youth empowerment, developing leadership skills and motivating students to take charge of their future. With the support of the principal and staff, this initiative aims to equip young minds with confidence, critical thinking and a sense of responsibility. The program was witnessed by group of parents as well.

Annual trip Ella

By lions Club of INGIRIYA on 2025-01-31
Project Chairman : Dr. Upali Gamage JP


By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2025-02-19
Project Chairman : Rukman Karunananda

Providing meal for all children & staff 60×800=48000

Cricket carnival

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2025-01-30
Project Chairman : Chinthaka De Silva

Donation 15000

Cricket carnival

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2025-01-30
Project Chairman : Chithrabandu De Silva

Donation 15000

Sunday school Education

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2025-01-19
Project Chairman : Athukorallage Don Aruna Lasantha Nishan Athukorala

3rd day Upliftment of the Maths knowledge of the students of sri Chandrajothi Daham padala of siyambalagoda. Cost for snacks /papers /sound system

Dhamma school education

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2024-12-15
Project Chairman : Athukorallage Don Aruna Lasantha Nishan Athukorala

2 nd day Upliftment of the Maths knowledge of the Students of Sri Chandrajothi Daham pasala of Siyabalagoda. Cost for Sound system/tutes /snacks for all participated

Dhamma school Education

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2024-11-17
Project Chairman : Athukorallage Don Aruna Lasantha Nishan Athukorala

Upliftment of the Maths knowledge of the students of sri Chandrajothi Daham pasala of Siyabalagoda. Cost for sounds/ photocopy /snacks..... Participated 30 students


By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2025-01-01
Project Chairman : Rukman Karunananda

Provided food for cancer patients & staff 01/01 lunch & dessert 38000/= 12/01 dinner & dessert 35000/= 23/01 Dinner & dessert 38000/= 30/01 lunch & dessert 35000 Total =146000

Environment -region 4

By lions Club of MATTEGODA on 2024-12-24
Project Chairman : Rukman Karunananda

This is a region 4 project conducted with the prescence of Mattegoda lions club. Region chairperson lion Chinthaka, cabinet member lion bandu, lion boruppa, lion Duminda, participated for the project. This was conducted @ the Rumassala sea area. Payments for the boats, pay for divers, for food other expense, transport.

Siyak sipsal

By lions Club of Colombo Donz on 2025-02-03
Project Chairman : Dr. Lasitha Munasingha

Financial support for schools activity


By lions Club of Colombo Donz on 2025-02-02
Project Chairman : Gangadharan Muralidhar

Scholarship for needy student