Service Activites


Participation In the Jothirathriya

By lions Club of WELLAWATTE WEST on 2025-01-05
Project Chairman : Siriwardena Manampedrige Heshini Thilanka

Lion Geethi,Heshi,Padmini participated

Performing at Jothi Rathriya

By lions Club of WELLAWATTE WEST on 2025-01-05
Project Chairman : Padmani Fernando

Our Member Lion Padmini participated for the Jothi Rathriya

Water Aerobics For Lions

By lions Club of WELLAWATTE WEST on 2025-01-25
Project Chairman : Kithsiri Duminda Ihalagamage

Water aerobocs- Sunday, 26th January, we successfully completed our 3rd Aqua Aerobic session at the Sri Jayawardenapura Swimming Pool at 7 AM. It was a lovely session! A heartfelt thank you to all the Lions of Region 01 for your active participation. Special thanks to our swimming coach, Lion Kithsiri (President - Lions Club of Wellawatte West), for guiding us. We also appreciate the participation of Zone Chairperson Zone 01 Lion Meegolla, Lion Roopka, Lion Geethi, Lion Krishola (Wellawatte West), Lion Krishanthi (Dehiwala Legends), and Lion Shamini (Colombo Kalubowila). Together, we are now stronger and more energized to serve. Lion Heshini Siriwardena, Region Chairperson

Particip[ation-District Carnival

By lions Club of WELLAWATTE WEST on 2025-01-24
Project Chairman : Siriwardena Manampedrige Heshini Thilanka

Members Participated- Lion Heshini,Geethika,Krishola,Roopika,Amitha

Innovative Hut

By lions Club of WELLAWATTE WEST on 2025-01-24
Project Chairman : Siriwardena Manampedrige Heshini Thilanka

We won the joint Winner for Most Innovative Hut- Hut Banner-10,500/= Baloons-2500

Fancy Parade-Cricket Carnival

By lions Club of WELLAWATTE WEST on 2025-01-24
Project Chairman : Siriwardena Manampedrige Heshini Thilanka

We Organized Fancy parade

Participation in multi-service project

By lions Club of NEBODA RANWALAGALA on 2025-01-11
Project Chairman : Nilantha Dilruk Welivitage

8 people from Nabada Ranwalagala Lions Club participated in the multi-service project.

Donation of a JBL sound system

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2025-01-03
Project Chairman : Kudage Don Daupadra Sameera Sirisena

කහපොළ ධම්මචරණ විහාරස්ථානයේදී වැඩ කටයුතු වලට සහ සහ දහම් පාසලේ දරු දැරියන්ගේ ප්‍රයෝජනය වෙනුවෙන් JBL ශබ්ද විකාශන යන්ත්‍රයක් පරිත්‍යාග කිරීම.ය මිරිස්වත පිළියන්දල සිංහ සමාජයේ සභාපති සිංහ නිහාල් කුමාරගේ ඉල්ලීමකට සිංහ සුනන්ද පෙරේරා මෙහි මූල්‍ය දායකත්වය දරන ලදී.

Medical Camp

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2025-01-29
Project Chairman : Kudage Don Daupadra Sameera Sirisena

සෝමාලෝක විහාරස්ථානයේ නායක ස්වාමීන් වහන්සේගේ ඉල්ලීමක් පරිදි ප්‍රදේශයවාසීන්ගේ පහසුව සඳහා ජයලියගම රිලාවල සෝමාලෝක විහාරස්ථානය දී වෛද්‍ය සායනයක් ජනවාරි මස 29 උදේ 8.30 සිට සිංහ සමීර සිරිසේනගේ සභාපතිත්වයෙන් පවත්වන ලදී

Replanting Corals

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2025-01-30
Project Chairman : Asanka Bandara Malwenna

Project together with Boralasgamuwa Metro Organized by Boralasgamuwa Business Circle at Jungle Beach Rumassala Galle


By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2025-01-28
Project Chairman : Sirimana Vithanage Sisira Kumara

Cleansing of both sides of the Mathugama Sirikanduru Canal in Mathugama under the leadership of Lion Sisira Kumara with the support of the people who had come to bathe

Clean Sri Lanka

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2025-01-26
Project Chairman : Waraniya Godage Nihal Kumara

Piliyandala Bypass Road Cleaning under the Green Infinity Clean Country Program 26/01/2024 Piliyandala Police Miriswatte Piliyandala Lions Club in collaboration with Kesbewa Municipal Council and Road Development Authority

Cricket Carnival - Organized projects

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2025-01-25
Project Chairman : Waraniya Godage Nihal Kumara

Organizing a fundraising project and donating the profit to the Sinhawaloka hospital

Cricket Carnival - Partcipations

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2025-01-25
Project Chairman : Waraniya Godage Nihal Kumara

21 Lions members attended the as Spectator

Cricket Carnival

By lions Club of MIRISWATTA-PILIYANDALA on 2025-01-25
Project Chairman : Waraniya Godage Nihal Kumara

laying two teams ( each tea 8 members ) for the district cricket tournament and one player playing for the women's committee

District Cricket Carnival Team

By lions Club of WELLAWATTE WEST on 2025-01-24
Project Chairman : Siriwardena Manampedrige Heshini Thilanka

Participated 8 members from our Region-Promising Eagles

Diabetes Walk

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-11-15
Project Chairman : Rohitha Nissanka Nelson

Two members (Lion Rohitha and Lion Lady) attended to the District Diabetes walk

Annual Family Get together

By lions Club of KAMBURUPITIYA on 2025-01-14
Project Chairman : Ravindra Rohana Premalal Gamage

Organized Annual Family get together in Nuwara eliya .Participated 40+ members with loans and family members.

Care for

By lions Club of KAMBURUPITIYA on 2024-12-24
Project Chairman : Rajpal Samaraweera

Provide meals and other necessary medicines and other items to Woman Elder's Home at Malana,Kamburupitiya. Programme sponsored by Lion Dr,Rajpal Samaraweera.


By lions Club of KAMBURUPITIYA on 2024-12-20
Project Chairman : Saman S. D. P. Liyanage MJF

Donated a Lop top Computer for University student. This project fully sponsored by Lion Saman Liyanage