Service Activites



By lions Club of ARAWWALA on 2024-09-20
Project Chairman : Hewa pathirannehalage Kokila Priyanga Kumari

After rainy season there many place besides the roads with plenty of bottles cabs , polythene bags which can collect water . So we have gathered and cleaned and collected many as we could .


By lions Club of ARAWWALA on 2024-09-18
Project Chairman : Hewa pathirannehalage Kokila Priyanga Kumari

We have organized relaxation music therapy to make them happy . There are 40 kids in house who are suffering with cancer under treatments. We sang , dance and played with them . Also we we have gifted them baby soap - 40 , colour pencils - 10 packs , Crayons - 10 packs and 20 drawing books and 40 tooth brushes.


By lions Club of ARAWWALA on 2024-09-17
Project Chairman : E. G. Prasadith Padmakumara

We organized this every month to serve porridge to people who observed sil at Sisilawardhanaramaya, Arawwla. Dear Lion Malani , If you zoom the pictures you will be able to notice the club banner and Hithawathkama banner in pictures . In the main pic there is a person . He is lion Prasadith, lion Prasadith and Lion Chandrika is the one who are doing this project monthly on pita day . So how could you say this is not a lion project ? Since July poya they are repeating the same project for a year . Thank you .


By lions Club of ARAWWALA on 2024-09-14
Project Chairman : E. A. Sriyani Chandrika

We fed nearly 120 street dogs cats and other animals with special meal cooked with fish and Pumpkin.

Donating Breakfast for Sambodi Home, Baddegama

By lions Club of GALLE KARAPITIYA on 2024-08-31
Project Chairman : Lakma Kithmini

Donated breakfast and other instant food items for 13 resident members in the Sambodi Hose for elders with disabilities (Downs syndrome). As it was an unplanned, urgent need the project chairman informed the club president and the treasurer over the phone and got the approval. At this point the project chairman didn’t have the banners to display but add a log on their log book as an evidence. Right after the event the club secretary informed the matter to Zone chairman as he is concerned about the proper reporting and maintaining the integrity among the club members.

Sold 8 tickets for Lunudhi Fund Raising Project

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA METRO on 2024-08-18
Project Chairman : Hasini M Wijesinghe

Sold 8 tickets for Lunudhi Fund Raising Project 17500 + 10500 = 28000.00

Lion Ladies Wellness Walk

By lions Club of BORALESGAMUWA METRO on 2024-08-11
Project Chairman : Hasini M Wijesinghe

Conducted the Lion Ladies Wellness Walk and provided porridge, breakfast, and a gift for each member.


By lions Club of ALUBOMULLA on 2024-08-16
Project Chairman : Malalabandarage Ravindra Himaranci Peiris Gunaratne

At the first place project idea was initiated by Lion Ravindra Gunarathna and he is the person who has given the monetary support. With the participation of 13 lions we have given lunch for sil observed students in Malamulla Maha Vidyalaya.. Apart from the Rs.70,000 donated by Lion Ravindra Gunarathana, Lion Nihal de Silva donated Rs.5000 for the project.. And expenses for dessert (bananas) bared by Lion Jayarathna. It was a successful project and Lions spend their day time very happily with the little ones.

Conducting Awareness programme and seminars on prevention of child abuse.

By lions Club of HORANA on 2024-09-10
Project Chairman : Ponsuge Bandu Upali Thisera JP

Conducted an awareness programme and seminar for prevention of child abuse for Thakshila MV Students. 10.30 AM To 12.30 PM Lecture delivered by lady police officer attached to Horana Police Station. Beneficiaries 1000+ students participated for the event. Grade 6,7,8,9 students. After the seminar all students were given fefreshment. Re-Submission with Following comments. ================= First of all all activities we report to lion portal. Then we have to calculate Volunteer hours. Please refer how to calculate Volunteer hours in lion international guidelines. No of Volunteer can include both lions and non Lions. (Lion international service Metrics) This project participated 02 Lions 30 non Lions. That's why we calculate Volunteer hours 64. 20 school teachers 10 others participated as non Lions. Only two Lions participated as Lions. Lion Dayapala Pathirage Lion Upali Thisera. If you consider Only lion hours. We can take it 09 lion hours. Then we amended lion hours as 09.

Innovative service projects.

By lions Club of HORANA on 2024-09-10
Project Chairman : Ponsuge Bandu Upali Thisera JP

Conducted a dharma deshana for Thakshila MV Students. Mentoring program. Grade 6,7,8,9,Students. Total beneficiaries 1000+ Time 8.30 AM to 10.30 AM Dharma deshana was conducted by Athurugiriye Dharmaramaya Viharadipathi Himi.

Anagathayata Aadaren

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-08-29
Project Chairman : Wanniarachchige Don Gamini Shantha

"අනාගතයට ආදරෙන්" - රත්තනපිටිය ආනන්ද විද්‍යාලයට පුරා වසර දෙකක් දිවා ආහාර දිමේ වැඩසටහන යටතේ 55 වන වැඩසටහන ලෙස 29/08/2024 දින පාසල් දරුවන්ට දහවල් ආහාර වේල පිළිගන්වන ලදී. මේ සදහා දායකත්වය ගොඩිගමුව සෙන්ටෙනියල් සිංහ සමාජයේ සිංහ හර්ෂ නයනජිත් විසින් ලබා දෙන ලදි.

Anagathayata Aadaren

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-08-15
Project Chairman : Gemunu Mirispala Kotuwegedara

"අනාගතයට ආදරෙන්" - රත්තනපිටිය ආනන්ද විද්‍යාලයට පුරා වසර දෙකක් දිවා ආහාර දිමේ වැඩසටහන යටතේ 54 වන වැඩසටහන ලෙස 15/08/2024 දින පාසල් දරුවන්ට දහවල් ආහාර වේල පිළිගන්වන ලදී. මේ සදහා දායකත්වය ගොඩිගමුව සෙන්ටෙනියල් සිංහ සමාජයේ සිංහ ගැමුණු කොටුවේගෙදර විසින් ලබා දෙන ලදි.

Anagathayata Aadaren

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-08-08
Project Chairman : N. W. P. Don Thushara Pradeep De Silva

"අනාගතයට ආදරෙන්" - රත්තනපිටිය ආනන්ද විද්‍යාලයට පුරා වසර දෙකක් දිවා ආහාර දිමේ වැඩසටහන යටතේ 53 වන වැඩසටහන ලෙස 08/08/2024 දින පාසල් දරුවන්ට දහවල් ආහාර වේල පිළිගන්වන ලදී. මේ සදහා දායකත්වය ගොඩිගමුව සෙන්ටෙනියල් සිංහ තුෂාර ද සිල්වා විසින් ලබා දෙන ලදි.

Anagathayata Aadaren

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-08-01
Project Chairman : N. W. P. Don Thushara Pradeep De Silva

"අනාගතයට ආදරෙන්" - රත්තනපිටිය ආනන්ද විද්‍යාලයට පුරා වසර දෙකක් දිවා ආහාර දිමේ වැඩසටහන යටතේ 52 වන වැඩසටහන ලෙස 01/08/2024 දින පාසල් දරුවන්ට දහවල් ආහාර වේල පිළිගන්වන ලදී. මේ සදහා දායකත්වය ගොඩිගමුව සෙන්ටෙනියල් සිංහ තුෂාර ද සිල්වා විසින් ලබා දෙන ල

Email campaign

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-07-31
Project Chairman : N. W. P. Don Thushara Pradeep De Silva

We sent 20000 awareness leaflets through email about the Sinhaloka Hospital fund raiding musical night.

Anagathayata Aaadaren

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-07-18
Project Chairman : Wanniarachchige Don Gamini Shantha

"අනාගතයට ආදරෙන්" - රත්තනපිටිය ආනන්ද විද්‍යාලයට පුරා වසර දෙකක් දිවා ආහාර දිමේ වැඩසටහන යටතේ 51 වන වැඩසටහන ලෙස 18/07/2024 දින පාසල් දරුවන්ට දහවල් ආහාර වේල පිළිගන්වන ලදී. මේ සදහා දායකත්වය ගොඩිගමුව සෙන්ටෙනියල් සිංහ සමාජයේ සිංහ ඉරේෂ් මදුෂාන් (බටපොල) විසින් ලබා දෙන ලදි.

Anagathayata Aadaren

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-07-11
Project Chairman : Wanniarachchige Don Gamini Shantha

"අනාගතයට ආදරෙන්" - රත්තනපිටිය ආනන්ද විද්‍යාලයට පුරා වසර දෙකක් දිවා ආහාර දිමේ වැඩසටහන යටතේ 50 වන වැඩසටහන ලෙස 11/07/2024 දින පාසල් දරුවන්ට දහවල් ආහාර වේල පිළිගන්වන ලදී. මේ සදහා දායකත්වය ගොඩිගමුව සෙන්ටෙනියල් සිංහ සමාජයේ සිංහතුෂාර ද සිල්වා විසින් ලබා දෙන ලදි.

Anagathayata Aadaren

By lions Club of GODIGAMUWA CENTENNIAL on 2024-07-05
Project Chairman : Wanniarachchige Don Gamini Shantha

"අනාගතයට ආදරෙන්" - රත්තනපිටිය ආනන්ද විද්‍යාලයට පුරා වසර දෙකක් දිවා ආහාර දිමේ වැඩසටහන යටතේ 49 වන වැඩසටහන ලෙස 05/07/2024 දින පාසල් දරුවන්ගේ සිල් වැඩසටහන වෙනුවෙන් උදෑසන දානය ලබාදුන්නා. මේ සදහා දායකත්වය ගොඩිගමුව සෙන්ටෙනියල් සිංහ සමාජයේ සිංහ වසන්ති කුමාරි විසින් ලබා දෙන ලදි.

Multi service medical camp.

By lions Club of HORANA on 2024-08-31
Project Chairman : A. R. Leelapriya Dhananjaya MJF, MAF

Organised a multi service medical camp at BOI zone Horana. (Harumi Holdings/Dreamron Lanka premises for their employees. Following medical activities completed for their employees. 1) Diabetics and NCD screening camp 2)Western medical camp. 3)Eye Screening Camp. 4)Diabetics and NCD Awareness programme. Beneficiaries =55 Lions 8 L/L 3 non Lions 12 Participated to the project.

E 1.3

By lions Club of WELLAWAYA CENTENNIAL on 2024-09-14
Project Chairman : Malani Thennakoon

ශේෂිකා නිසංසලා ශිෂ්‍යාවගේ උසස් අධ්‍යාපන කටයුතු සඳහා මසකට රුපියල් දසදහස බැගින් වූ ශිෂ්‍යත්වයේ සැප්තැම්බර් මස කොටස පරිත්‍යාග කිරීම